Register for Sports or Cheerleading

Please use this form to register for Parks and Recreation Department activities, making sure to use the link at the end to submit payment.

Note: fields marked with * are required before the form will submit.

Child's Name
Select activity for child's age range - Fees are listed with selection
Child Info
School that child attends
During summertime, enter grade just completed
Medical / Emergency
Enter your Primary Care Physician (PCP)
Enter person to contact in case of an emergency
Example: Father, Mother, Uncle, Friend, Neighbor, etc.
Enter phone number for emergency contact
Enter Full Name: First, M.I. and Last Name
Select all areas that you will help
Enter Full Name: First, M.I. and Last Name
Select all areas that you will help

Once you submit this form, visit our online payment tool to pay your activity fee in order to complete your registration.